Non-laser Tattoo Removal Training Course

What is non-laser tattoo removal training course?
Tattoos can bring up psychological pressures and difficulties in a social or work environment, so the Doctors in Rejuvi Laboratories in the development of this unique technology to remove all types of tattoos to become a blessing that we have it now available, and after being a tattoo removal expert with this training course you will serve it around.
A complex mixture of tattoo removal system of inorganic material works similarly to high chemical holy composition with a combination of oxide tattoo inks or permanent makeup at it’s location in skin, and high efficiency should be directly related to suitable reacts with the ink to be removed from the skin at the same time.
Scab is made above the surface of the skin and most often the scab falls off in 7-14 days to return to normal foreskin.

Here we start to teach how this technology works and it’s application, also includes lessons and information of health and safety, pricing, patch examination, consultation with customers also training of practical tips and multi motions on skin using a special machine.
Therefore, at the end of the training there are no questions left unanswered and you have the ability and self-confidence to start working.
Why we Choose non-laser Tattoo removal?
Working in non laser tattoo removal is a unique, modern and fun profession and can be a base or appendix as another option in your workplace, its more suitable for tattoos designers and permanent makeup fit for those with a background in skin care or health and cosmetics or salons.
all skin types
this method is effective on all skin types and different ages
non-color selective
reacts on all ink types and colors not color selective as laser method
safe on sensible zones
unlike lasers this method is suitable to be used on sensible zones as eye areas and soft skin
the application is similar to having new tattoo therefore the client is familiar with the same procedure besides we use the best pain reliefs
less sessions
usually it takes from 1 to 4 sessions to remove a tattoo as our experience can tell sometimes we see a satisfying result from the first session
quicker skin recovery
after puncturing the skin layer and extract the ink a crust will performs on the skin surface it falls usually between 7-14 days and the additional sessions can be made within 45 days only!
The Training packages:
Training course for beginners - five days of training
This course includes the following phases: • What is Rejuvi? • How it works? • choosing the client skin and Fitzpatrick • consultation, examination Degeneration. • Price. • The machine is equipped and the area around the working room. • Health and safety. • sterilize and disinfect work devices and room preparation. • Post-treatment guidelines (recovery phase). • Applying tattoo removal theory. • the motion and practicing of tattoo removal in several cases. • Identify and deal with types of injuries and scars. • Learn the steps of the profession and launched marketing. • start working group. • Learning on the ST digital machine. • Certificate in the technique of tattoo removal cream course.
The training course for the development of business: 3 days of excessivetraining (dedicated to people with certificates in the field of tattoos and permanent makeup)
This course includes the following phases: • What is Rejuvi? • How it works? • The client and choose the type of foreskin. • consultation, examination Degeneration. • Price. • The machine is equipped and the area around the working room. • Health and safety. • sterilize and disinfect work devices and room. • Post-treatment guidelines (recovery phase). • Apply tattoo removal in theory. • the practical practice of tattoo removal in two cases. • Identify and deal with types of injuries and scars. • start working group. • Certificate in the technique of tattoo removal cream course
Frequently Asked Questions:
please contact our telephone service
infoline: 00216 55 555 981
/ price upon request
it is only discussed during the theoretical training
-in cash or certified check
-50% of the total amount will be requested within one week of the start of the course
*private courses:
pick and appointment to meet our staff to maintain a private course
*in group:
any program or schedule will be announced on social networks
All products available
we Supply all Types of products to practice this work successfully!
We Offer a one free start-up kit
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